Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
back to college
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
♪such a lonely day..and its mine♪
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

waaaaaaaaargh dunno wut to do..+_+ well, today i played an electrical guitar at granma house..^^haah after so long haven't play electrical guitar my hand become really awkward =_=.. but arigatou to Kazu Neko-Kaiza Kingu Of The Cat for lent your guitar!!^^ dun wurry.. Diru is a good mom..ahaha so she can taking caring your guitar very well XD..gotta go to gramma house 2morrow!! yeay!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Blurr sanbae
i was hanging out with Blurr sanbaenim^^...along with her girlfriend..hehe
i arrived at 6pm..ahaha very late!!XD well, mom said i have to finish first my assignment so i can go out..
the result..messy work..UuUu~
just arrived..eat first..important!!
dunno wut's the food name..just followed sanbae^^ asalkan mkn
Blurr sanbae..gyahaha kontrol giler!!XDD
then he asked me to do some magic infront of her g.f..haha i really dunno wut magic to do.. just a simple tricks with coin..hoho^^
but but but then he revealed my magic!!TT^TT so sad.. he called me kantoi magicman..ta gune btol..=_=! waaaaaaaaaaargh
i thought he would spent me for da food but...NOO T.T..it cost me 11rm for the food..abes duit..kalo 5rm tape gak.>.< waaaaaaaaargh
shopping after that..muke katak..covering tummy..haha
jambu jun pyo..ahahaXDD Jan Di is the cat..wahahahahahaXDDDDD..=_=
at 9.30pm we're outta there..mom kept calling me for being late to go home..>.<
at car park..em..not carpark actually.. :D
there's a notice stamped on sanbae's car..it was a compound!! 230rm!!0_o..he parked at wrong place..i just kept quiet after that..they both were arguing in the car while i just listened to my mp3..ahahaXD
sanbae decided to send me home first but suddenly we lost da way home..>.< he don't know where Pandan Indah is..i thought his g.f know where pandan indah is but...haha.we lost to Damansara finally..then we back to times square and i led the way..i asked sanbae to send me to Jusco Maluri and took a train at 11pm..ahahahaXDD it was all my fault for interrupted you guys..>.< sorry sanbae!!!
i went home at 12am.. ~_~
mom was really mad! @_@
But thanks Blurr sanbae bcoz bawak jejalan!!^^ really rock on!!^0^
Saturday, July 18, 2009
college life..=_=
i'm newbie here^^ etoo~ finally! i was accepted into uitm! yeah^0^
thank god..>.<
well..about 3 weeks ago since orientation was goin 'not so good' but really happy! gahaha!
i was sick during orientation..=_=!
during orientation.. me+toilet = cameraXDD(muke pasan)