i'm home :)
there are too many things have changed or it's just me.
to be honest, i'm afraid of this changes.
The fact that we are getting old.
mom and dad are getting old.
i saw dad did his own treatment by warming his body with a big warmed stone wrapped in sarong.
mom does not has a job anymore since last 3 month.
she is going to an interview as a tea maker at Pasar Maluri tomorrow.
hope she get the job. :D
I feel afraid every time i ask for money to buy things as i think they can't afford them.
my cat got seizures..TT^TT *pitty him..:(
mom can't afford to bring him to the hospital.
but then she gives him a small pillow so that he can bite it everytime he got seizures..
hope he get well soon. :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
yesterday and today
we went to tanjung bidara last evening. :D
wat a nice day.
i will never forget the moment.:)
i went to tampin to buy canvas with akim and ezwa.
i drove a rent car.
we were preparing an orchestra for tunas ilham at about 4 pm.
we were asked to bring along our own instruments to have a practice.
about 10 o'clock, me and akim went to studio and prepared the canvas for the Open Johor.
day before yesterday
fatah told me that his car's break didn't working.
he was nearly in accident.
i was so worry -_-
i'm glad there is nothing happen to him.
i love to eat and sleep
first, sorry mom, i think i can't get dean list for this semester.
i know you really expect something more from me.
this is because there were too much conflicts this sem.
with classmates, and also lecturers.
there are also conflicts among the lecturers that i think affects the students.
and also because of my attitude this sem.
i realize it's my fault too. :D
i miss you ma and pa.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
dream dream dream
last thursday i dream about me fell down my school building after chased by a zombie..
i saw my own body covered with blood on the floor and i was shocked..
But then i just accept that i'm dead..
i'm a ghost that time..
I went to grandma house to see if there is someone could help me..
in the house, i saw Abg Ali, Ait and apis chatting..
Abg Ali saw me and he ask me why did i came back..
But the other can't see me..
They already knew that i'm dead..
Then they solawat and gave Al-fatihah to me and i was thanking them..
But in the meantime, i felt peace..
suddenly, my aunty came from her room and ask Abg Ali as who was he talking with..
he told her that he is talking to me..
My aunty can't see me and she just send her regard through abg ali..
The moment that i felt really sad is when i saw my parents came to grandma house..
I met my mom and i greet her..
i handshake and kiss her hand, her cheek and hug her as she knew that i am there..
i asked about her health and she replied that she's good..
she asked me to lean on her shoulder..
i cried..
i cried on her shoulder while saying "nak mama.." hahaXD
she pleased me by tapping my shoulder while i'm crying..
but then i woke up and saw that Ezwa's lappy is playing 'Sleep Away by Bob Acri'..
The song was actually penetrates my dream..
i saw my own body covered with blood on the floor and i was shocked..
But then i just accept that i'm dead..
i'm a ghost that time..
I went to grandma house to see if there is someone could help me..
in the house, i saw Abg Ali, Ait and apis chatting..
Abg Ali saw me and he ask me why did i came back..
But the other can't see me..
They already knew that i'm dead..
Then they solawat and gave Al-fatihah to me and i was thanking them..
But in the meantime, i felt peace..
suddenly, my aunty came from her room and ask Abg Ali as who was he talking with..
he told her that he is talking to me..
My aunty can't see me and she just send her regard through abg ali..
The moment that i felt really sad is when i saw my parents came to grandma house..
I met my mom and i greet her..
i handshake and kiss her hand, her cheek and hug her as she knew that i am there..
i asked about her health and she replied that she's good..
she asked me to lean on her shoulder..
i cried..
i cried on her shoulder while saying "nak mama.." hahaXD
she pleased me by tapping my shoulder while i'm crying..
but then i woke up and saw that Ezwa's lappy is playing 'Sleep Away by Bob Acri'..
The song was actually penetrates my dream..
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thank you
i'm very glad that you told me the truth that day. :)
I know it's hard for you and me.
I understand.
I respect your decision.
It doesn't matter as long we are still friends ^^
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
not so my luck
i thought it was the biginning, but it was the end.
i am always end up like this..-_-
bodohnya saya.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
ramadhan test
i lost my laptop, tablet and phone.
it's my fault.
this would be a lesson for me.
but i know it is His test.
it's my fault.
this would be a lesson for me.
but i know it is His test.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
finally, i am joining taekwondo back after a long time since in high school..:D
this is because for this few month it was really bored..and lazyness is wrapping me..
hope i will get through the tournament soon and grab some gold medals @_@
for this past few days i found several of my bad attitude:
1. Sensitive
2. annoying
3. lazy
4. spendthrift
5. dreaming
6. talk behind
7. (pengotor ape in BI?)
8. misunderstand
9. kusut
10. sambil lewa
11. too much joking
12. kurang solat (terutama subuh, unless there is someone who willing to wake me up..:P)
13. sleep late at morning ( too much asigment?? ) :o
14. making joke of lecturer (this is really unforgivable..i know right?! tak berkat kang~ )
14. too much chicken
15. late to class
maybe there are more..
yep,..honestly, all the bad things up there are the truth. :)
so, i'm not going to say that i can change ALL of them but i'll try my best..
wish me luck :>
Sunday, June 12, 2011
new hobby (not really)
recent days i have this obsession to learn magic.
actually i have stopped from practicing this hobby since in form five.
as i look back to some new trick or effect somewhere in website and youtube, i feel like wanting to explore back the world of illusion.
last month i spent about 160rm to buy some magic DVD and stuff. i know it was insane.haha
but i think it worth it for someone who really love the thing they do as their hobby. :)
just like other hobbies such trekking, people are willing to spent more than hundred bucks to buy trekking stuff.
i often got caught by my friends as i was accidentally ruined the effect and all the shame went back to me.
but i know, that is the process of learning. it makes me become more better. someday.
i will post some videos of me doing some magic tricks soon for you guys to judge. :D thankzs
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
lets crappin~
well tomorrow i decided to not submitting the artwork for shah alam competition..*applause :D
bcause i felt like i'm not happy with my work recently. :D
well tomorrow i decided to not submitting the artwork for shah alam competition..*applause :D
bcause i felt like i'm not happy with my work recently. :D
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
went to school
last night i watched the lovely bones..again..
i almost cry for the second time..haha
the story is so beautiful..
today me, haizat, nizam, and ezwa went to school as we know it was teacher's day..
so we went and met our ex-teachers to wish for teacher's day..:)
so happy to met them as i could flashback all the memories that fading away..
we were so happy to see Mrs Helen^^ we're chatting, gossiping, and making some jokes..really miss her..xD
then we met Miss Vasanthy, Pn. Azma, Pn.Lim, En. Anuar, En. Basha, Pn. Masliza, Pn. Syarifah niela..and went to library
this was the best part: in the library, we are pretending and asking for homeworks on each other somehow like we are still studying in the school..TT^TT
me: haizat, ko da siap addmath?haha..kelas ko matematik da chapter mne ek?
haizat: ouh..belum ouh..mate kelas aku bru chapter 8..ko naz?
me: yeke..ktorg bru chapter 7..haha..senang tak chapter 8?
haizat: okla..ko da siap nota bio? esok cigu nk check
me:alamak! lupelah! pinjam bku ko jela..hahaxD
at about 3pm we left the school happily and went to mamak and ate..
then we went to times square as nizam said he want to buy a formal uniform..
i can't stand it while walking when ezwa making jokes about nizam all the time! haha xD
Thursday, May 5, 2011
i don't know what to do..
i dont EVEN said that..'ko tumpang kesenangan'..im really sorry if you think like that..i really dont know that you take it serious..
you're the one who asked me if you are 'tumpang kesenangan' from me... i just only can say yes while smiling like it's a joke bcos i cant even think properly in the middle of the road with crowded and watever..but SERIOUSLY i dont even think like that!
now i dont know what to do..
and what to say to make the situation come back to normal..
i'm afraid that you will say back about what happen and make it dull in other time..
you're the one who asked me if you are 'tumpang kesenangan' from me... i just only can say yes while smiling like it's a joke bcos i cant even think properly in the middle of the road with crowded and watever..but SERIOUSLY i dont even think like that!
now i dont know what to do..
and what to say to make the situation come back to normal..
i'm afraid that you will say back about what happen and make it dull in other time..
Saturday, April 2, 2011
one day in balai seni lukis melaka
media:charcoal on boxboard
technique: render, smudgy, reverse technique.
thanks to Allah, i won 1st place :D
it's my first painting display in Balai Seni Lukis Negeri Melaka! TT^TT
Thanks also to mom, dad and sis for keep supporting me till now..:D
and also friends!!! XD
thanks guys! :D
i didnt't expect to win in this competition at all and thank God.. feels like dreaming..
but it's still the beginning..i must work harder for next thing to come..
that's all..thank you :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011

lens are just a supporter.
reality is beauty,
but we believe in dreaming.
make it surreal.
everybody use,
but we tear yellow pages.
everybody throw rubbish, we make it dadais.
they capture green, and lively leaves,
but we paint dead, and fallen leaves.
spread some peanut butter on bread using spoon,
spread some oil paint on canvas using palet knife.
the spread sounds like putting peanut butter on burnt toast.
like a baby as a sculptor. let's play some dirt.
we are bats. but sleep like cats. hard to wake like trolls.
brain is no pink, it's rainbow in color.
i have a friend, his name is turpentine.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My birthday..:D
Thank you guys for the wishes!
one of my birthday wishes is hoping that you guys will always be c0ol! :D
Thank you guys for the wishes!
one of my birthday wishes is hoping that you guys will always be c0ol! :D
Friday, February 4, 2011
i really need DSLR!!
hooh.. i'm a poor guy DX
money just run away from me..:(
i'm not photographer..
how can i give you what you had instructed?
but i'll give my best shot..
nak reject, rejectlah..
ikat perut lepas ni!!
i'm begging you Naz!! >:O
hooh.. i'm a poor guy DX
money just run away from me..:(
i'm not photographer..
how can i give you what you had instructed?
but i'll give my best shot..
nak reject, rejectlah..
ikat perut lepas ni!!
i'm begging you Naz!! >:O
Sunday, January 30, 2011
i just went home yesterday.
i saw something on highway last night that i can't forget till now.
i often think about that 'thing' every time i want to sleep.
on that night, my friend gave me a ride to KL.
we just chatting and singing all the time but suddenly all the cars slowed down and stop.
there's a corpse in the middle of the road!
the corpse was broken to pieces..
all of us really shocked and my friend who drove was about to vomit out as he accidentally collided the corpse's intestine.
the journey became dull all so sudden..
i saw something on highway last night that i can't forget till now.
i often think about that 'thing' every time i want to sleep.
on that night, my friend gave me a ride to KL.
we just chatting and singing all the time but suddenly all the cars slowed down and stop.
there's a corpse in the middle of the road!
the corpse was broken to pieces..
all of us really shocked and my friend who drove was about to vomit out as he accidentally collided the corpse's intestine.
the journey became dull all so sudden..
y so lazy ma?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
i'm trying to get rid of this feeling..
i think you know what feeling :D
but how??
i don't know.......
i think you know what feeling :D
but how??
i don't know.......
Friday, January 7, 2011
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