Monday, November 26, 2012


     I would like to share some information about the 2012 rumor. I've done a presentation regarding this issue for my BEL class.

-the attention getter-

    The end of the world this Disember.  Is it really going to happen?Now just imagine while in your normal day doing your work or job and suddenly you hear a really big sound like earth-quake and you take a look at the window you would see a really big wave coming towards you. What would you do? I once imagine when it happens, and we are surely no place to run, I would like to hold and embrace all my family members and just only say my last words. Now let's cut to the chase, without further due, i would like to show you a video about a theory that claims there will be a collision between our Earth and a planet which i will explain later.

      This video is originally from a Discovery channel explained about the phenomena and the song  title is ‘sangka kala’ by Monoloque.  This planet is called, ‘Nibiru’ or planet X. Who said that this is the end of the world? The whole idea about this planet will collide with our beloved Earth was actually from a person who claimed herself as a psychic, named, Nancy Lieder, had somekind of telepathy or contact with some Aliens from the inhabitants of a fictional planet around the star called Zeta Reticuli. She believes that she was a chosen one to have this responsibility to tell the people about this catastrophe. This rumor then was spread to the internet, movies, television and also alot of books and media.

      When is this going to happen? This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the doomsday date was recalculated and moved forward to 2012. This date prediction also coincident with the prediction of the Mayan Calendar which predicted that the exact dates of the doomsday is in 21 Disember 2012, which is next month.
      But what does NASA said about this? Did they already discovered this phenomena? Some said that NASA deliberately covering up the existence of the planet X. But i dont really know how far is the truth about this information. But this was what did NASA scientist say about the catastrophe in an interview. “Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets Internet hoax.  There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decades, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist.

    In my opinion, i think the whole idea about this 2012 doomsday is just a hoax. There are no concrete evidence that can support the theory.To conclude all of this, before we make an assumption about this issue, we should first internalize down all of the information from everywhere, not just only by watching television, or internet, or books, but we should also refers back to our belief. We do have our belief. I’ve once watched this video of Ustaz Azhar Idrus saying that,” why do we have to do this sort of deep research about when is the exact date of Doomsday? It’s a waste of time because its still going to happen anyway..SOMEDAY that no one knows ..we rather 'prepare' ourselves instead wasting our time searching the fact so that we will be safe..just wait,” We should understand in what terms does the word 'prepare' is actually means.

    In facts, there are still no doomsday signs such as the existence of Imam Mahdi, Jesus(Isa), or Antichrist, or even Gog and Magog as stated in Koran. All these things actually take a very long period or time. Thus we should not worry about some source that claim this is the end. And what does the purpose of this claims actually? This is the question that everyone should ask yourself including me. 

Therefore, i would like to say that, “WE WILL BE SAFE”..........“For now atleast”...Thank you very much.

-end of presentation-