this is the only one precious secret that i want to share with u guys..hahhahaha
It actually happenned last year when my taekwondo team had a taekwondo tournament in International Youth Center (IYC) near HUKM. Before the fight begin, we warm up,..waaargh let's straight forward..=_= In my round category, mid-light weight, my fight was the first one which was going to start first. Then the bell started to ring and we began to fight..My opponent was a chinese, a tall, black belt, and from the famous team, KOREO taekwondo. i thought and thougt and thougt how to kick on his face so that i can get more point from there. Kicked by kicked, still cannot reach his face even touch it. I just can reached his body. But he also can't kicked my face bcoz i kept blocking his leg as he kicked. hahahaha^o^
But i was the leading as my point was higher than him at about 3-2. dah sedap dah ni nak menang!!hohohohohoXDDDD. Then the spoiled begin. i was too rushing to reach his face until then we both suddenly kiced together at once thus making uncontrolled kicked. we both moved forward against each other and unpurposely KISSU~ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! yuck! ptuih! WTF! wut a nightmare!!aaaargh!! i'm not pure anymore TT^TT...please help me!! but the kiss(not lovely kiss DX) just took only a second, and just a touched..haha^^ so, okkay lgi kot..Then just after the 'kissed' happenned, i heard crowded laughing thus made my concentration gone..TT^TT and my enemy, i saw he did some ticklish face like, "eewww, &^&^%$&^%$&$@#*&*" while my face was like, "wut am i gonna tell my mom 0_0' i wanna switch school!!!gyaaaaa!!so shame!!"....TT^TT as i lost concenration, i lost the fight..hahahahaha^^ i don't know how he can continued fighting as we accidentially 'kissed'..maybe he got experience or wutever..he kissed his girlfriend bfore this i guess? at last, i end up like this..

that's the story..=_=' but before that, i'm going to share with you how does it feel when we kissed someone..hahaha^^ it feels like we kiss omelette!!! wahahahahahaXDDD i'm not happy..=_=!
P/S:But please dun try it at home..not just home, anywhere!!
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