sorry fer bad english

~ my life are just so simple this recent days.. yep, i woke up, take a shower, eat, and sleep. :P wut a simple living.
well today, :D i decided to went out to KL and one of me fwen agreed to join me :)

before we left out xP
a bit shocked as i saw there are too crowded as i thought there would be just a nice day with no crowded. as we arrived, my sis went to the cinema with her friends and i just took a walk with kame-san. went to romp, went to i-socks!! hoho it's been so long~ Y^Y there was gazette concert on that screen!! i watched it!! gagagagagagaXD
then, we took a seat at the third floor and have a chat, talking about college, and bla blabla..he actually got class's reunion at that time and i forced him to go there but he wont..-_-' i dunno why.

outside toilet
we ate at foodcourt, and chatting again and again..and he make sure he were not seen by his classmates.. suddenly his father called him and asked him to get his sister who went back from working at klcc. and i agreed :) then, we just took a walk to the klcc.
it's raining out there..gladly i brought along my umbrella..hehe :D
his father said that his sis would end her work at about 7 but it was already 8pm~ haiye =3=
but it's okay^^ i just have a chat and messaging friend while waiting near suria klcc's bustop..haha^^+ listen to gazette dim XD

while waiting
it was 9pm.then his sis came and i asked kame-san's permission to go home and take a train bcoz i already bought the ticket,while he accompanied his sister home by bus at the bustop.haha so sorry~ so, i have to went back to pavi, to sungei wang, and times square and finally take a train.:D so adventurest~ agagagaXD
but at a moment, i lost in klcc..wuUwuU~ where am i??o_0?? waaargh somebody!! someone!! help me!!-_- i'm lost.. i'm dead meat..=_="

i decided to stop first and took a view and relax..

chrismas event in klcc
at about 5 mnutes, i continued to walk back..while messanging, finally i found out the way back! haha wut a lucky me XDD after that, i straight to the train and went to granny's..
at about 10.30, i arrived at granny's and played with diru~ nahahahaXD

yea i knoe, retarded.

sandy and spongebob. akakakakaka:B

nahahaha that's for today^^