8 days to go. Going back to college this second January. Those seniors must be excited and unpatient waiting for their juniors to feed them like a baby. "i want you to do this!", " i want you to do that!", "play blackjack with us or i'll crush you!", "massage me!" , " wash my clothes!", "make me drink!", "fire this cigarette for me!", "DO MY WORK"... Are they human being? God bestows us completes with hands, legs, and BRAIN, why can't you just make them by yourselves pigs? That's right! Of course you guys are pigs. Pigs didn't do a thing except eat and sleep and make that eerie voice. krooooooooooooooooook! WTF! " Tak jantan la report2 nih! anak mak. manja." So wut nigga? Fuck with that. I'll make a report if you guys overrated in this next sem. About signature, also pergi jahanam. Tradisi kunun. Tradisi Melayu tanak ikot. Wut tradision is that if we have to give you money? OUR money! Parents' money! . Shameless. I rather being hit and trashing like Ketuat so that i can move from that storey. I really envy you Ketuat. They dumb you to other storey! haha. But i don't understand, why don't you just report that you had been hit by them? it'll be more peacefull without them.
Well sorry~^^ i just can talk crapp but i actually don't have the courage to fight them..ye, lembik. "masok tekondo pon lembik..belasah je." my dad said to me. hahaha i don't really like to fight others..i'm just a regular person. Have weakness. Think about wut happen if i did sumthing. Just want to satisfied myself, i just wrote this crap..hahaha.
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